



The Story of
The Gunslinger

He is The last of the Gunslingers.

In your world Children are stolen to fuel the false god. The hellfire eye above the dark tower.

Now both worlds are being consumed in Darkness.

In one World a Young Tongva Girl is being targeted by the Dark Towers’ evil watchers to be the Towers next host.

The Tongva Girl has Dreams of another world. To Her that world makes more sense.

She also has recurring dreams of a Storm coming, consuming the world.

Meanwhile the Gunslinger goes into the Darkness to fight it. Coming out in the other World where the Tongva Girl is in trouble being chased by the evil watchers.

The Gunslinger & Tongva Girl run into Eachother.

They’re made for Eachother.

Have a Baby.

Half Native Warrior & Half Gunslinger

They Gather The Army for GOD.

Together they wield Excalibur & The Holy Grail to control the Darkness & destroy evil once & for all.

Bringing forth GODs Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.